Our Vision...
We want to transform the development and support available to church leaders, throughout their leadership journey, working with others who share this vision, initially in the UK and then wherever God leads.
We want to help the church develop:
1.Spirit-led, visionary, goal-focused leaders
Church leaders that can:
lead strategically in a Spirit-inspired way
develop a clearly-articulated and shared vision
define focussed, measurable goals
measure progress towards their goals
maintain momentum towards their vision
2.skilled leaders and people managers
Church leaders that can:
Identify and mobilise the gifts and callings of staff and volunteers
Implement user-friendly people management systems
Improve performance when it drops below an acceptable standard
Lead teams well, making the most of team members’ complementary strengths
3.leaders as disciple-makers
Church leaders that can:
Mobilise their churches to share faith, hope and love and meet the needs of their local communities
Enable and equip people to become fully devoted followers of Jesus
Facilitate spiritual growth for people at all levels of spiritual maturity
4.god-centred, resilient leaders
Church leaders that can:
Stay centred on God
Grow through adversity
Manage conflict
Maintain momentum towards their goals